first, siyempre we went to church and it was extra special because our speaker came all the way from... (oh gosh, i forgot where! hahaha!) anyways, to make the story short, it was a very blessed worship service. i enjoyed my stay there tremendously :) but then again, when isn't? yayy! ♥ okay, here's my note from his message:
July 25, 2010 - Sunday
Speaker: Dr. Wayne Vanderwier
Topic: Targeting the Source of Your Problem
Text: James 4
memorable lines:
- IDOL in your heart is a metaphor describing your desire, passion, obsession - simply what you want more than anything.
- Anything that takes functional rulership over your heart other than GOD.
- Whatever you want more than you want GOD's approval.
- What does GOD want you to want? ► THE GLORY OF GOD!
It was indeed a very meaningful and inspiring message and everyone was just hooked up. I love it!
after church, we've nothing to do and since we were all SO bored because it's raining and i can't sleep yet, we just played with my phone's camera and here it is! ta-da! ahahaha :)))

and then i saw my high school note about a diary that impacted big time in my life..

it's about the diary of a young girl named ANNE FRANK. :) i love her! i love her writing skills, i love how she puts so much emotions in her writing. and because of that, i remember i must download that diary turned into a book NOW. :p

after that little camwhoring, i dozed off to sleep na and when i woke up, i decided to fix my things which are in total mess! yayy. but since i love my magazines so much, i reread all of them again. it became our bonding moment with all my sisters and my brother yesterday. haha! kakatuwa! :) lahat kami na-busy magbasa ng YES magazine. :) :)

FINALLY! i was able to fix my cabinet :) :) plus i get to list down my "little inventories" of the collections i have like magazines and headbands. haha! OC nga kasi :)))
i had fun staying at home at sunday afternoon kahit parang ang lola ko sa post na to. :) okay, goodnight! ツ