you know what's the feeLing of being proud of yourself? of accepting your seLf as who you reaLLy are? it's a kind of wonderful feeling where you can comfortably cling to the truth that you beLong in this competitive , sometimes harsh reaLity of Life..
to all PINOYS, are you proud of your heritage? some wouLd say na they're not because of the current state of our country pero tingnan na Lang natin ang Lahat ng ito in a positive & brighter perspective..
if we're just going to appreciate the worLd we're living in, we can live a life that is so peaceful, so cOOL and so weLcoming..
Ok, for us to understand better, i wiLL site some examples why I'm proud of my heritage.. weLL..
first, i live in one of the most beautifuL province or city in the worLd.. (Puerto Princesa, Palawan).. you bet! :) pinoys are among the nicest and happiest in the worLd! db? yes, we may have our fair share of shady characters, which country doesn't? stiLL the resilient spirit of every fiLipinos is undeniably great! we celebrate the smallest things and we celebrate it with food.. every thing is a cause for celebration, and this is a great excuse to gather family and friends together to make bonds even more..
Filipinos can find it within themselves to LAUGH - despite of evertything.. agree? :)
i'm proud to be FILIPINO.. IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT..

you know what's the feeLing of being proud of yourself? of accepting your seLf as who you reaLLy are? it's a kind of wonderful feeling where you can comfortably cling to the truth that you beLong in this competitive , sometimes harsh reaLity of Life..
to all PINOYS, are you proud of your heritage? some wouLd say na they're not because of the current state of our country pero tingnan na Lang natin ang Lahat ng ito in a positive & brighter perspective..
if we're just going to appreciate the worLd we're living in, we can live a life that is so peaceful, so cOOL and so weLcoming..
Ok, for us to understand better, i wiLL site some examples why I'm proud of my heritage.. weLL..
first, i live in one of the most beautifuL province or city in the worLd.. (Puerto Princesa, Palawan).. you bet! :) pinoys are among the nicest and happiest in the worLd! db? yes, we may have our fair share of shady characters, which country doesn't? stiLL the resilient spirit of every fiLipinos is undeniably great! we celebrate the smallest things and we celebrate it with food.. every thing is a cause for celebration, and this is a great excuse to gather family and friends together to make bonds even more..
Filipinos can find it within themselves to LAUGH - despite of evertything.. agree? :)
i'm proud to be FILIPINO.. IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT..

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