Thursday, October 9, 2008

reaLize . . gratefuLness . .

the rain is pouring out loud as of this moment . . and i thank GoD for the roof and shelter i have right now, even food to eat, coffee to keep us warm, most esp. for the safety that other too many people doesn't have.. I truly reaLized how lucky am i with all the blessings that kept on pouring on me, the same way this heavy rain pours.. I pray that my family is safe herever they are right now.. Please put them in their most comfortable comfort zone. . i pray that they'll stay happy and strong always without sickness to come.

God bless DRILON family :)

I'm going home soon.. so excited naaa!!
Praying for a safe travel and a total entertainment and rest.. grabe!
my whoLe famiLy, take a peek :)

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