It was a great time for me and my self to rest and relax from everything about work!! Wow.. I just love the feeling of being able to spend the holidays with my family and friends :) It was a timely vacation for me. Also, it was the best time to just indulge myself to everything I love, like sleeping whole day :), eating everything! :), writing my life in my diary :), reminiscing everything about my past, spending time with friends there which we seldom did, going to the beach!!, get together with our batch from grade school days to high school barkada :), meeting exes! :), bonding with my highschool junks which I love and I miss terribly :), the best time to reflect on my thoughts and actions this 2008, recognizing all the blessings I received for this year and realizing I've been terribly blessed despite all the depressions and disappointments I encountered the past year, plus it's a great time to plan for my 2009 and for my future! :) The vacation recharged me, and strenghtened me to move forward and grab the best of everything LIFE has to offer :)

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