inspiring tweets for women!
@TheSingleWoman: If someone doesn't return your affection, it might be for your own protection. #TrustAndLetGo
@paulocoelho: Don't explain your feelings. They belong to you.
@Belt_of_Truth: An open heart to GOD, permits GOD to heal wounds that have never healed.
@TheSingleWoman: Taking ownership of your happiness means not letting the moods of others define yours. Own your own smile! :)
@TheLoveStories: "For everything there is a season, you know. Time to hold on and then a time to let go."
@TheSingleWoman: I don't ever have a morning where I wake up & say, 'I really need to find a boyfriend today.' ~@taylorswift13
@Belt_of_Truth: Whatever is in our past, GOD is in our future!
@kc_concepcion: ❥ When everything seems to be falling apart, things are actually falling into place.
@TheSingleWoman: God always offers us a second chance in life. ~@PauloCoelho
@etap: A heartbreak is always a blessing from God. It's just His way of letting you realized He saved you from the wrong one. :)
@TeensInLove: Some people act like they don't need love, like it's an 'ego' thing but, it's not ego. It's fear of being hurt.
@FunnyOrFact: A guy & a girl can be friends. But sooner or later one will fall for the other. Maybe too early, maybe too late, just maybe forever.
@TeensInLove: There will always be that one person you wish you could stay with forever.
@lizzzuy: You gotta find something you love to do and do it for the rest of your life.
@ihatequotes: True happiness will always be up to you. You hold all the cards.
@TeensInLove: The problem with us girls is that we fall for boys who gives us the sweetest words they never really mean.
@TheSingleWoman: Sometimes the best way to reclaim our spark is to take a bold leap into the dark.
@Belt_of_Truth: There are 2 ways to live -- seeking the best of life here & now, or seeking GOD’s glory as we keep our eyes on eternity.
@Belt_of_Truth: You and I will be held accountable for every word and action we say and do -- Monitor what you speak!
@Belt_of_Truth: Thank GOD that in our ever-changing world we have HIS constancy in our lives.
@ihatequotes: Life isn't about being someone others want you to be. It's about being yourself, and accepting yourself for who you are.
@TeensInLove: Single doesn't mean lonely. It means you are preparing for the arrival of a better love.
@ihatequotes: Sometimes you have to go through a bunch of storm to find your rainbow. Life is fair! Smile and Move up!
@linocayetano: Thank You Lord for good coffee in the morning! He blesses us each day w both big & small things, make sure to count them all!
@TeensInLove: One of the most amazing things is having someone fall in love with you, who you thought you never had a chance with.
@TheSingleWoman @RevRunWisdom: Dear Lord.. Please keep me from chasing dreams & ppl u don't want me to chase.
@TheSingleWoman: Sometimes a new beginning is even better than a Happy Ending. :)
@TheSingleWoman: You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right. ~Rosa Parks
@thelovestrings: Gotta love the days when all you gotta do is to walkout from your door while thanking God for everything. ♥
@TeensInLove: If you don’t do something foolish while you are young, you won’t have anything to smile about when you are older.
@TeensInLove: Sometimes its better to keep it all inside, where the only person that can judge you, is yourself.
@thelovestrings: Because no matter how drastically sassy and impulsive crazy hard to get you are, there's always be that love that would got you off guard.
@iamsuperbianca: to every girl reading this: know your worth and learn to love yourself. ♥
@LearnToBeAlone: Learn to be alone is learn to enjoy and relish the chance that you can do all the things by yourself.
@iamsuperbianca: If shes amazing, she wont be easy. If shes easy, she wont be amazing. If shes worth it, u wont give up. If u give up, u're not worthy. -L.D.
@AidiMs: Just because I love you, it doesn't mean I'll do everything just for you. FYI, I love myself too.
@sam_yg: "If you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy in a relationship."
@TheLoveStories: Single doesn't mean u dont receive love. Single means u're much loved by the people around u that u don’t need someone to complete u. #TLS
@TheLoveStories: Value your TIME, BODY & most of all YOUR HEART. Stop giving these things to people who don't deserve them.
@TheLoveStories: All girls really want is someone who will stay no matter how hard it is to be with them.
@TheSingleWoman: People aren't hating the SINGLE in you..they're hating the SECURITY in you. Small minds can't fathom your solo glow! :)
@BestFilmQuotes: "I need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever." -Juno (2007)
@TheLoveStories: #FACT When a woman cry, it's not over just one thing. It's built up anger & tears that they've been holding in for so long.
Hope you all enjoyed my compilations!
To all the single bloggers out there: Let us all enjoy the journey and take time to be happy ALWAYS. :)
The all the coupled up bloggers: Enjoy and cherish each of your relationship. :)
Let's all stay happy and let's keep on inspiring each other! ♥ Yaaaaay..
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