Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello, September! Good Morning!!

Hello, September! Good morning! :)


every morning, it's my routine to read devotionals like TGIF (today God is first) and ODB (our daily bread) with my bible and it made my faith stronger. as in every morning, i feel so happy knowing that God will guide me the whole day because i started my morning with Him. it's giving me strength to face the challenges of the day. and just this morning, the Holy Spirit literally talked to me through Os Hillman, author of TGIF devotionals. he's the best! my gosh, the TGIF passage goes through my heart. i just died of shame. :p

lately, i've been envious of my friends' jobs.. actually it's been a while since i started becoming dissatisfied with what i do. i'm becoming restless, irritable, and super uninspired because i don't want the boring routines of my life anymore. so today, i knew right away that the TGIF entry is God's way of telling me to stop being tired of waiting for the revelation of His purposes in my life. 

honestly, i am tired of waiting. i am tired of living my life slowly. i want to be free, to explore the world around me, to meet new people, to go to places only i can dream of. but God is still saying "no" and "not yet". so if i have to wait some more, then i will wait..

i like this passage i saw in TGIF this morning:
Do you question if the Holy Spirit is active in your life? The Lord has promised that the Holy Spirit will convict us of sin when we move away from Him. It is His responsibility as our guide. 

and another one i saw in tumbLr:
"When He says “no,” He isn’t withholding good things from us. He’s simply keeping us from going down the wrong path, or accepting less than His best. He’s waiting for the perfect time to give us the perfect gift. On the other side of God’s “no” is always an incredible “yes.” Sometimes you just have to wait for it."
- Gwenn McKone 

God is good all the day of our lives so I'll just have to pray to God that I remain faithful to Him and to His promises. ♥

Happy September, everyone! :)

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